A couple of nights ago this was the moon over Melbourne. Some called it a β€˜corona moon’ (yes this is a technical term) , but when I researched it via all knowing google 😊 I found that correct name of the phenomenon was in fact a β€˜halo’ πŸ˜‡ moon. The difference being the amount of ice in the atmosphere to create the phenomenon that you see in this photo.

I believe that this halo moon no coincidence.

I believe that God talks to us today, in a variety of ways. He not only talks to us, but He is a kind and loving God; He is not an angry God.

I believe that this moon is one of the ways God is showing us Melbournites that He sees us, He has us covered. This too shall pass.

I encourage my Christian friends to speak life over Melbourne because as you all know life and death are in the power of the tongue.

I also believe that we rest under the shadow of His wings here in Melbourne – I saw this as people started posting silly things online about Melbourne being shadowlands and a friend said to me: β€˜YES! We rest under the shadow of His wings!’

I agree, under His wings is where we find refuge.

So, as we enter into even stricter lockdowns this week in Melbourne Australia please speak life to one another, online and in person … and be kind – regardless of whether β€œthey” deserve kindness.

I suggest an act of kindness every day for the rest of August – studies show that such acts actually causes life to increase for the doer, and of course it is lovely for the recipient.

If you are not in Melbourne speak life over your region, your neighbourhood, your schools, your city, your country.

It is with kindness that we will manage; it is with kindness that we will cope, and even thrive; and it is with kindness that we will rebuild because…

God is Good!

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