I’ve been wanting to share this prophetic encouragement for a while. The words from the movie Field of Dreams, starring Keven Costner, come to mind,

β€œIf you build it, they will come.”

As we manage the current shift and change within the Body of Christ, it is especially important to hold to past lessons learnt. We must hold to these, as we grow into the new, while holding to the knowledge – God has something brilliant in store!

I went on a walk a while back. A local surf club stood before me, half renovated. The upper storeys and roof were being replaced and extended to provide better views. The planned lower levels were to provide better water accessibility for club members. A new restaurant plan, with a bar and water views from a terrace, would provide a place to drink and eat, for members and for the public as well. All were welcome, with access points to the beach and water (ramps, stairs and driveways) being beautified, widened and made safer to traverse. Overall, the renovations would create a better amenability for members, and bless the broader community with ease of access.

At the time of my walk, the construction site was empty and void of workers. It reminded me of how our churches had recently been empty and silent. There is now a clamouring to refill and get busy with programs, events, and services, but like the surf club, the work is not yet complete.

Jesus adores all expressions of His Bride, and yet I know we are all being called to take a fresh path into His Presence. A deconstruction reconstruction process has been taking place. We find new ways forward through sands of change. Renovations in place, change is occurring. People feel put out and uncertain, wanting to get back to their known familiar roles and activities. Integrity issues are being uncovered, and deconstruction goes deep to ensure greater foundations. I sense God’s heart yearns for a greater amenity for all, not the select few. A going forth to bless community, rather than blessing just members. A freedom for all to shine in their sphere of influence is being called for, while allowing for multiple expressions of the same faith.

Heaven releases blue prints, similar but diverse to suit local needs. A sense of coming together, while allowing each to do their work. There is an overlapping yet unique set of spheres that will have nations covered with His glory, if allowed.

We choose!

Even though church buildings fill again, it’s not quite the same. We can all feel it. I hope the renovations are successful. I trust foundations have gone deep. The call for Truth, resonating beyond performance, is here. The size of the building does not reflect success, nor do numbers show true growth.

A novel way forges on the winds of change. Integrity in how we live at home is called for, while there is joy in the chase for those who say β€˜yes.’

The new way is here – the soundtrack of Heaven, found in the winds of His Presence. If you will listen, you can discover the key, but first pause long enough simply to recognise His whispers on the wind.

Also, please keep past lessons learnt foremost in mind. We will turn to see new blueprints at hand.

To those who are waiting for others to join, or for leaders in need of more helpers: I encourage you, please do not force the fit. While it is tempting to fill voids with those who are present, it is imperative to allow the vortex of need to call the right ones in for the task.

How to recognise those you ask.

The answer was in the direction He led me on my walk. Go low, spend time by the waters of His Presence, and He will lead the way. Understand He knows what’s required, and He will meet the need. He sees beyond externals, deep into heart motivation and life calling,

The pause before filling voids is giving those called to fill felt needs, time to give their β€œyes” fully with freedom. If those who are called to fill the gap don’t, others will rise to do so. Some will say β€œyes” where they are called to do so, but will drop the ball, chase the shiny thing, and sadly run from their place of greatest impact. Do not despair at this either. While hurtful and frustrating, remember that refining requires time. Maturity allows for these moments, refocuses and looks to Jesus to meet felt need.

God is never in a hurry, and will allow us all to mature through blessing, challenge and process. While we might be in moments of great tension, He says,

β€œTrust Me in your moment of stretch.”

Many of us are in a time of redirection, as each awakens to the call of the Lord in their life. No longer cardboard copy cut outs, God wants dearly for our diversity to be celebrated, and for each to step into their unique place in the landscape. Called to our sphere of greatest influence, a sweet spot of impact awaits each one of us. It will require us to identify the sphere, and our β€œyes” backed with action to step in. This sweet spot will resonate with the greatest sense of joy. For each of us has Heaven’s thumbprint, and yet a unique call.

We have never all been called to the church mountain, and while leaders might call you to serve, be wise with your energy and time. Kingdom purposes are best served with you in your greatest place of influence. Working together, as the Body of Christ. And yet, be sure to serve and honour those who serve you, whether it be with your time, money, resources, skills and/or encouragement. Allow your β€œyes” to be β€œyes;” and your β€œno” be your β€œno.” Be intentional to sow back, remembering honour opens the door to purpose and acceleration too.

A clarion call resonates across the seas and the lands,

β€œArise and shine, My Beloved, your light has come! The glory of the Lord, it rises upon you, the newness of Time has now begun.”*

A sense of displacement has occurred, but now the shuffle is at hand. Don’t chase the shiny thing; nor look for fame or fortune. Big names, fast cars (ministries) might seem to be the pathway forward, but if you place yourself inappropriately, it will only delay. Times of hiddenness are to be cherished, as you focus on β€œwhere,” β€œwhen” and β€œwho.” He calls – find Him First! Then the sweet spot of place, purpose and person will reveal. When it does, step in!

And for those who are building, know the helpers are coming, but please, I repeat, don’t force the fit. A forced fit will hurt you, inhibit them, and delay the ones destined to come.

Rather, allow the vortex of need to create a vacuum in the spirit, and those called to you – they will come. If you back stop the vacuum, there will be little back draft in the spirit for the right fit to appear.

Instead, He repeats,

β€œDon’t force the fit; rather, trust me in your moment of stretch.”


Isaiah 60:1 – β€œArise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.”

Matthew 9:37-38 – Then he said to his disciples, β€œThe harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

2 Corinthians 2:10 – β€œFor we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

2 Corinthians 10:13 – We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the sphere of service God himself has assigned to us…

Β© Beth Kennedy 2024

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